Lead Hazard Management Services

Identification and Assessment

  • Visually inspect the property or structure to identify and assess suspect lead-based paint or residue.
  • Collect and analyze pre-abatement air, wipe, soil or bulk samples




  • Develop lead abatement project specifications


  • Participate in Contractor pre-qualification and bid review process



  • Monitor environmental specification compliance and document the Contractor's lead abatement activities


  • Collect personal air samples for lead abatement workers


  • Collect air/wipe samples at the perimeter of lead abatement work areas


  • Conduct ambient air monitoring at lead-based paint abrasive blasting operations




  • Complete post-abatement inspection to detect visible contamination and residue after abatement activities


  • Obtain clearance air, wipe, soil or bulk samples


  • Prepare a final report